Marketing To Win New Customers
Posted on 17th March 2021
Not only have products and services changed dramatically in the last year; methods of delivery have also changed. In fact, in 2021 one of your priorities will need to be how you can deliver outstanding service to customers.
In such a fast-changing business world the quality of your customer service will allow you to stand out from the crowd. Importantly, it is also something that you can control when the world around you is full of uncertainty.
So, consistently demonstrating your commitment to excellent service in all your online and offline marketing activities should be part of your strategy to win new customers. In fact 85% of customers are willing to pay more for an excellent experience.
Here are some ideas to help you to perfect your marketing message for potential customers:
Features versus benefits
Telling potential customers how working with you will benefit them is at the heart of your marketing. In a world where many products and services are often very similar, or even the same, the quality of your service is more important than ever. By clearly explaining the benefits you deliver you will show you understand your customers’ needs. The more focussed you can be on different customer groups the better.
Check the competition
Take a look at other businesses that provide similar products or services. Be both positive and critical about what they’re saying. Use the information to see how you can do things better. However, don’t worry too much about prices. Remember, people are willing to pay more for excellent service, so find ways to make your customer experience shine.
Explain why you’re different
While understanding your competitors is important, you don’t want to be just like them. However, this often causes business owners a headache. To win more customers they often want to appeal to more people. The problem is that this makes you sound just like everyone else. So, be specific about who you can help and how.
Become a follow-up fan
Let’s be honest, following up on sales calls and marketing campaigns is something that a lot of people don’t like to do.
While it’s important to get the first contact right, in most cases this isn’t where the decision to buy will be made.
Here’s something you might not know – eight out of 10 sales need five follow-up calls.
It’s important to plan your approach so that each of those five or six steps makes sense to your potential customer. Include each step in your plan and provide clear opportunities for people to say that they don’t want to buy now. You can move on to your next potential customer, but you’ll still have the opportunity to include those who weren’t ready to buy in your next campaign.
Have a plan
Most successful businesses have a plan which provides specific, measurable targets. If you don’t reach the targets you haven’t failed, but if you don’t set them you certainly won’t know if you’re succeeding.
Make sure your targets make sense. If you want to increase your turnover then creating opportunities for your existing customers to spend more could be more effective than winning new customers. After all, finding new customers can cost five times more than keeping your existing customers happy.
Set targets for at least the next 12, 24 and 36 months, along with realistic forecasts about what it will mean for your business if you achieve half, three quarters or all of them.
Make sure marketing is recognised as an important activity and allocate time and money to it.
If you would like some advice about marketing to win new customers, please get in touch.

Tagged as: marketing
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