Your Foundations For A Successful Business
Even if you don’t think you have many business systems and processes, you’ll be surprised to discover just how many there are and what a difference they make to your day to day operations.
They are at the heart of running your business and, while they don’t create growth on their own, without them it will be almost impossible to achieve your goals. In fact, inefficient and ineffective business systems and processes could be holding back your business growth.
In this part of the GAP Program, we take a close look at how your business operates and the opportunities you have to improve.
What Challenges Do You Face?
Nobody likes to change and you have probably had some tried and tested systems and processes in place since the very beginning. That’s exactly why it’s time to take a fresh look at the way things are running to see if your approach is still fit for purpose.
Introducing new systems and technology can be uncomfortable but streamlining and simplifying things that you might currently see as daily chores can give you a new sense of purpose.
Change can also be a challenge if you have relied on a family member or friend to do some of your business tasks, but it might just be the right time to move on.
Learning new ways of doing things can feel time-consuming and frustrating, but you’ll soon be wondering why you hadn’t made the changes before.
What We Will Do
We’ll start with your personal and business goals, which will be our guide. Before you make any changes we will make sure that they will contribute to your plans.
We’ll check the data to see what is most likely to make a difference. We’ll also look at the people you work with, your customers, suppliers and supporters – your tribe.
You certainly don’t have to make changes for the sake of it. If some things are working well, we’ll look at how to build on them to improve performance overall.
We’ll check whether everyone currently understands and uses the systems you have as well as they could. We will also review your documentation to see whether it reflects what happens in practice. You could even discover some effort is duplicated, which will be an ideal opportunity to improve efficiency.
When we’ve done all this, it might be clear that you need some new technology and skills, so training or recruitment could be the next things to think about. You’ll also need to communicate how any changes you plan to make will benefit your team and your business.
What Will Happen
Nothing will happen overnight and you won’t have to make any changes you aren’t comfortable with. The first step is to design strategies and plans that will allow you to take the next important steps to develop and grow your business.
Business growth plans are different for everybody. There isn’t a right or wrong way to go about it; just the way that works for you in the current economic climate.
With careful planning you will be ready to navigate any possible pressures and obstacles that your business might face. With a well-researched strategy, you can keep on track and will be reassured you’re in control.
Once your new systems and processes are implemented, we will agree regular milestones to be sure they are delivering the results you need to keep you on track. We will make sure they enhance your business and increase your capacity to grow.
With effective measurements in place, you’ll have real evidence that things are moving in the right direction.

For more information or to book your FREE consultation either complete the form below or call Kirsty on 07521 790284